to the
for AUGUST is
Please don't
walk on
the gnomes!
Special thanks to Mr. Gerry & Miss Dale for all their hard work in planting and maintaining the Enchanted Garden.
Meet our Garden Gnome. A mere twelve inches high, he's considered rather statuesque for a gnome. He putters about the garden tugging weeds, and watering the plants with the morning dew that collects on the brim of his red cap. He also helps out by choosing for us the Flower of the Month. (More on that below.) A little nervous around the Tall Folk, he'll only speak to you if you kneel down to his level. Go ahead and try if you like  – though even then he's been known to keep his thoughts to himself.
We invite visitors to stroll through the garden, and find pleasure in its
peace and beauty.
Each month our Gnome chooses a type of flower that's currently blooming in the garden, one which he feels is especially beautiful and noteworthy. To help direct attention to this Flower of the Month, he stands next to a pretty patch of them with a basket of colorful stones. Children may take one of the stones and bring it back to the ticket booth that same day to receive a $1.00 off coupon for their next visit to the theater. Limit: one stone per child. Coupons are good until December 31, 2022.
To watch a short video of the Enchanted Garden, click on the picture below.